Director/s: Darin Mangan Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dave Bautista, Lou Ferrigno, Paul Levesque Runtime: 52’ & 93’ Country/s: United States Year: 2008 Producer/s: Guile Branco Language/s: English IMDB: Festivals: Winner Silver Lei Award, 2009 Honolulu Int'l Film Festival
Winner Best Documentary, 2008 Cinema City Int'l Film Festival
Released: United States

Guile Branco is a body builder training for his next competition. As he prepares, he goes on this his quest to meet with several champions and get their insight into their lives and why training is so important.


This documentary explores the wonders of weight training. Guile goes back in history to check early champions like Steve Reeves, John Grimek and Reg Park, and more contemporary ones to understand how they accomplished their successes through weight training.