Genre: Comedy Director: Joaquin Bissner (“Me Late Chocolate”) Cast: Arath de la Torre (“The Perfect Dictatorship”), Renata Notni (“Quiero Amarte”, “Que Bonito Amor”), Juan Pablo Gil (“The Noble Family”, “Pulling Strings”) Runtime: 120’ Country: Mexico Year: 2015 Writer: Adrián Suar (“Avellaneda’s Moon”, (Son of the Bride”), Bethel Flores (“La Loba”, “Pasion Morena”) Producers: Concepcion Taboada (“Fist Fighter”, “Salvador”) Language: Spanish with English subtitles Budget: $1.5m
Family is what gives meaning to life.
Peter enjoys partying and refuses to settle down until one day he meets Alin and discovers that she is his daughter, and she is pregnant! Unprepared to cope with the idea of being a father, a grandfather, and having Alin, her boyfriend and his mum in his house, his world collapses and becomes hysterical. Yet, with the arrival of the baby, Peter finally comes to grip with his age and his role and father and grandfather.